<Unregistered user>'s details page


By Weapon Kills Teammate Kills Deaths
Remington '58 1 0 1
Smith & Wesson Schofield 1 0 0
By User Kills Teammate Kills Deaths
<Bot> 1 0 0
<Bot> 1 0 0
<Bot> 0 0 1


Stats grouped by user

This displays the kills and deaths in detail, which <Unregistered user> dealt/received. It is grouped by the user <Unregistered user> was interacting with, and then further broken down by the weapon used.
Weapon Name Kills Teammate Kills Deaths
     Remington '58 1 0 0
     Smith & Wesson Schofield 1 0 0
     Remington '58 0 0 1

Stats grouped by weapon

This displays the kills and deaths in detail, which <Unregistered user> dealt/received. It is grouped by the weapon <Unregistered user> was interacting with, and then further broken down by the user <Unregistered user> was interacting with.
User Name Kills Teammate Kills Deaths
Remington '58
     <Bot> 1 0 0
     <Bot> 0 0 1
Smith & Wesson Schofield
     <Bot> 1 0 0