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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Want a byte from the stream?
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Want a byte from the stream? 
Panel 1 
Jacob: With charisma attributes like yours, I couldn't help but come over... and ocer.. and over again. 
Panel 2 
Sound effect: SLAP! 
Panel 3 
Jacob: *Hic* aren't you a cute little bit of perfection. If you call over 6 of your friends, we can come together and ride the strea, a perfect byte. 
Panel 4 
Sound effect: SLUG!

comic search terms: Want a byte from the stream?
comic dialog: Panel 1
Jacob: With charisma attributes like yours, I couldn't help but come over... and ocer.. and over again.
Panel 2
Sound effect: SLAP!
Panel 3
Jacob: *Hic* aren't you a cute little bit of perfection. If you call over 6 of your friends, we can come together and ride the strea, a perfect byte.
Panel 4
Sound effect: SLUG!
     Vote for Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic) on TopWebComics!
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Only .5 more to go
Soon all the pickup lines will be done. Enjoy them while you can. Enjoy the free drinks splashin in your faces as you try them out in the real world.

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