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RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Gzip -d
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Gzip -d 
Panel 1 
Jacob: Hi. Would you like to merge your input stream with my output stream? 
Panel 2 
Cassandra: That depends, are you going to just fork me, or will you wait for me to finish? 
Panel 3 
Jacob: Don't worry, I'll keep eating the buffer until you're done. 
Cassandra: Oh.. so cute. Ow what happened to your eye? Does it hurt? Need me to take your mind off it? 
Panel 4 
Jacob: Hold that thought... *Hurh*.. some unprocessed chunks are about to decompress.

comic search terms: Gzip -d
comic dialog: Panel 1
Jacob: Hi. Would you like to merge your input stream with my output stream?
Panel 2
Cassandra: That depends, are you going to just fork me, or will you wait for me to finish?
Panel 3
Jacob: Don't worry, I'll keep eating the buffer until you're done.
Cassandra: Oh.. so cute. Ow what happened to your eye? Does it hurt? Need me to take your mind off it?
Panel 4
Jacob: Hold that thought... *Hurh*.. some unprocessed chunks are about to decompress.
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As I post this comic, I realize that this might be more tech than some of the readers. From what I understand, outsiders listening in on techs talking hear:

"Blah blah blah blah, purple, blah blah blah, faster, blah blah blah"

This could have to do with us having a bit of a language of our own. So... for this comic, and probably this comic only, I'll translate.

Title: "Make that thing larger, it's too small."

Panel 1
"Hello, I am a geek. Are you a geek? Would you like to go do the nasty?"

Panel 2
"Why yes good sir. I would like to do the nasty, but only if you are a very good lover. I do not want to be left wanting, if you know what I mean."

Panel 3
"Do you smell nachos? I'm quite hungry. If only I had eaten some dinner before drinking all of this, and do not worry, by the time I'm done, you will never want the nasty from another person."
"Your confidence and this liquor have won me over. Take me in your arms and whisk me away to a land of unicorns and fuzzy bunnies"

Panel 4
"Oh dear me, I believe I might be chundering."

I hope that helps everyone understand this very pivotal comic. I do understand that we speak in our own language, but this is not a reason to shun us and pelt us with rocks... only bad hygiene is worthy of that... oh wait.. I don't me that... one shower a month is more than enough.

As some of you may have noticed, last Friday (well really last Friday evening), I put up a sketch of a cat. This is going to be a new thing I do. Once a week, I will put up a sketch. The sketch will be of whatever I want, and it will be done mostly in pencil or ink. They'll be quick sketches, and I probably won't spend more than 30 minutes to an hour on them. They're not an attempt at art, they're really just an attempt to stay in practice. I noticed that my ability isn't were I want it to be. I hope some of you out there enjoy them, but I'm really using the site as a justification to keep up the practice. Sorry readers.. for this functionality, you're all just tools for me to achieve my goals.

The Incredible Hulk
Well... I saw the Incredible Hulk this weekend. It was enjoyable. I liked Iron Man better, but the Hulk was still fun. The CGI was rather... cartoony, but it seemed to work for me, since it is a movie about a comic book. The story this time was a lot more intricate than the first one, and there are a lot of little in jokes with people who know marvel comics and watched the Hulk tv show, way back when. Also sort of nice was the fact that the extra end bit came before all the credits instead of after them. Feel free to stay until the end of the credits, but they weren't that exciting or artsy, just text on a black background. All in all, the movie was worth seeing, it just wasn't "amazing".

Previous comic
So I didn't really explain much of the comic Friday, since Thursday turned out to be such a bad day. Basically I've noticed that whenever you get good at something, people decide to give you more and more things that aren't really related to it to do. This doesn't always turn out well. Lately however, I seem to keep adding on to my own juggling act... hmmm.. I wonder if the balls will ever fall.. I guess only time will tell.

Additional geek pickup lines
Here are some additional geek pickup lines that I didn't use in the comic.

Your radiance is so bright, I need a drink just to dull the amazing experience, and so do you.

Your "rally the troops" spell worked. I'm here and am ready to serve you. Would you like me to coat you in a protective shield?

In a multiplayer championship, my hands' dexterity is a thing coveted by millions. Would you like to see them at work?

Nobody uses a joystick like me! Let me show you my grip.

You look like a co-op person, so let's go get a group together and explore our power trees.

We can start a world together, I've got civ 3 with me, let me just pop it in your slot.

You know how to press all the right buttons to make me shoot.

Bet you my plug fits in your slot.

I'd fight off all of Gannon's army just for a glimpse of a beautiful princess like you.

I hope some of those lines help all of you out there.

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