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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Comic nirvana
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Comic nirvana 
Panel 1 
Caption: Wizard World 2008 
Jacob: Wow. I feel as if all is right in the world... as if... as if I actually belong somewhere...

comic search terms: Comic nirvana
comic dialog: Panel 1
Caption: Wizard World 2008
Jacob: Wow. I feel as if all is right in the world... as if... as if I actually belong somewhere...
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Wizard world
Another sketch, sorry. I'm a bit bogged down. I'm putting up the pictures of Wizard World 2008. I'll add another comment once they're all up.

Wizard World Pictures
Enjoy all the costumes from Wizard World... Sorry the photos aren't better. I'll purchase a camera that's better at low light sometime.

Wizard World 2008

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