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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Work exception
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Work exception 
Panel 1 
Caption: boolean isfunny=false; try { createComic(); isfunny=makeFunny(); } catch (tooMuchWorkException wtf) { outputMessage("Bad creator."); wakeUpCall("Get off your ass."); } catch (catThinkOfAnything id10t) { outputMessage("Dumb ass."); wakeUpCall("Be smarter"); } catch (interuptedException wazUp) { outputMessage("Waaaaaz uuuup?"); wakeUpCall("Get your mind in the game!"); } finally { if (!isfunny) Throw new PointlessComic(badPun); }

comic search terms: Work exception
comic dialog: Panel 1
Caption: boolean isfunny=false; try { createComic(); isfunny=makeFunny(); } catch (tooMuchWorkException wtf) { outputMessage("Bad creator."); wakeUpCall("Get off your ass."); } catch (catThinkOfAnything id10t) { outputMessage("Dumb ass."); wakeUpCall("Be smarter"); } catch (interuptedException wazUp) { outputMessage("Waaaaaz uuuup?"); wakeUpCall("Get your mind in the game!"); } finally { if (!isfunny) Throw new PointlessComic(badPun); }
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I fell behind on a project because the documentation portion of it took longer than I expected, so... no comic today, just code... oh great and glorious code, how we worship thee. Hmmm... perhaps I need some sleep.

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