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Keep going when it's hard
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Keep going when it's hard 
Panel 1 
Son: Daddy! Daddy! I want to be a rock star now! Buy me a guitar and drums. 
Panel 2 
Father: Look son. I've bought you football, baseball, painting, and hockey equipment, and everytime it gets hard, you move on to something new. You can't just quit when things get hard. 
Panel 3 
Father: When I first married your mom, she was terrible at giving hea... um... 
Panel 4 
Father: ... advice! But now I listen to everything she says, 'cause she's the smartest person alive!

comic search terms: Keep going when it's hard
comic dialog: Panel 1
Son: Daddy! Daddy! I want to be a rock star now! Buy me a guitar and drums.
Panel 2
Father: Look son. I've bought you football, baseball, painting, and hockey equipment, and everytime it gets hard, you move on to something new. You can't just quit when things get hard.
Panel 3
Father: When I first married your mom, she was terrible at giving hea... um...
Panel 4
Father: ... advice! But now I listen to everything she says, 'cause she's the smartest person alive!
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Special thanks
Jason Nance basically gave me this joke, so he gets a by line on the article. I hope you all enjoy it. I did.

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