comic dialog: Panel 1
Caption: One of the reasons I'm rarely left... "Home Alone"
Panel 2
Caption: Day 1: Excitement and exploration
Gary (singing): I feel pretty oh so pretty...
Panel 3
Caption: Day 3: Depression and dehydration
Sound effect: Glug! Glug! Glug!
Panel 4
Caption: Day 5: Death
So much space Gary
Well... Jen's left me again, to visit family. I wonder if I'll survive. I mean, fending for myself again, what if the woodland creatures get past my defences?
If only I could say that exhaustion led me to today's comic.. I am exhausted, but I drew and wrote the comic last night. I only lettered and uploaded it tonight, which happens to my my three year anniversary with Jen. Yay us :)
13th Gary
How did I miss that today was Friday the 13th? If I had remembered, I would made the comic for it....