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RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Pay the star
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Pay the star 
Panel 1 
Jane: mmmMMMmmm Peanut butter and jelly. 
Hope: Jane. Glad you're here. How do you stand all that video game stuff? I mean there Jase and I were, getting all hot... 
Panel 2 
Hope: Thanks. Later! 
Cassandra: Oh Jane! Got a sec? I'm trying to get closer to Jacob, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I mean, just the other day... 
Panel 3 
Jane: UuuuggGG! What am I, a frigg'n therapist?!! 
Panel 4 
Jacob: Hey Jane. Did you catch the last episode of ... 
Sound Effect: Tap. Tap. Tap. 
Jacob: Oh.. uh.. nevermind. 
Sign: $13.99 the first minute

comic search terms: Pay the star
comic dialog: Panel 1
Jane: mmmMMMmmm Peanut butter and jelly.
Hope: Jane. Glad you're here. How do you stand all that video game stuff? I mean there Jase and I were, getting all hot...
Panel 2
Hope: Thanks. Later!
Cassandra: Oh Jane! Got a sec? I'm trying to get closer to Jacob, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I mean, just the other day...
Panel 3
Jane: UuuuggGG! What am I, a frigg'n therapist?!!
Panel 4
Jacob: Hey Jane. Did you catch the last episode of ...
Sound Effect: Tap. Tap. Tap.
Jacob: Oh.. uh.. nevermind.
Sign: $13.99 the first minute
     Vote for Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic) on TopWebComics!
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Feed me
Feed me your glorious words! As we've done in the past, this is your chance as the reader to put your words in the comic. Take today's comic and write your own dialog for it.

email mail me the below: (but of course filled in)
Name:[your name]
Alias:[if you want a diff name on the comic]
Panel 1
Jane: mmmMMMmmm Peanut butter and jelly.
Hope: Jane. Glad you're here. How do you stand all that video game stuff? I mean there Jase and I were, getting all hot...
Panel 2
Hope: Thanks. Later!
Cassandra: Oh Jane! Got a sec? I'm trying to get closer to Jacob, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I mean, just the other day...
Panel 3
Jane: UuuuggGG! What am I, a frigg'n therapist?!!
Panel 4
Jacob: Hey Jane. Did you catch the last episode of ...
Sound Effect: Tap. Tap. Tap.
Jacob: Oh.. uh.. nevermind.
Sign: $13.99 the first minute

Show me how funny you all are. Next week I'll put some on the site, if there are good ones.

Digital Overload
Ok, here's my last shout out to all you gamers. Tim Buckley over at Ctrl alt del holds a LAN party called Digital-Overload every year. It takes place in Rhode Island, March 6th->8th. I'm going again this year, so if you want to game some with me, or with any of the other hundreds of people, sign up now. Registration closes Feb 19th.

It's a lot of fun. I recommend the experience. It's what started me doing a comic, and it's given me a lot of material in the past.
Comic 2 to Comic 4
Comic 115 to Comic 132
Comic 137
Including our first "write your own comic"
Comic 138 user submited here.

So yeah, if you want to have some fun, fly on over and join me.

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