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A Wii bit of fun
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: A Wii bit of fun 
Psnel 1 
Gary: That's almost it! Oh yeah! That's the spot! 
Panel 2 
Gary: I'm about to shoot 'em! He's gonna blow! Watch me, this is going to be great! 
Panel 3 
Gary: YEAH! Did you see that explosion? I don't know, these controls just feel so.. natural. 
Panel 4 
Caption: Play with your wee Wii; by yourself, in front of others, with friends, or at a party. After all, if you don't play with it, who will? Now in exciting, realistic flesh tones!

comic search terms: A Wii bit of fun
comic dialog: Psnel 1
Gary: That's almost it! Oh yeah! That's the spot!
Panel 2
Gary: I'm about to shoot 'em! He's gonna blow! Watch me, this is going to be great!
Panel 3
Gary: YEAH! Did you see that explosion? I don't know, these controls just feel so.. natural.
Panel 4
Caption: Play with your wee Wii; by yourself, in front of others, with friends, or at a party. After all, if you don't play with it, who will? Now in exciting, realistic flesh tones!
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Another reason I am not in advertising
Ok. Today's comic might require a little explination.

Now, Jen and I have had a Wii for quite some time now, but I also have a projector, and the short cable for the receiver bar for the Wii is not condusive to playing with a projector (light source behind you, screen in front, so system behind you, screen is across the room). Well recently we got the wireless receiver, and that's how everything started.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not really a big Wii fan. I think the system was a gimmic. Its graphics and processing suck, most of the games are lame (only fun at a party), and their controllers are not all that inspired. I knew most of this when I bought it, but I bought it all the same. One of the first games we got for it was Metroid Prime 3. I was actually all excited to play this game, since I loved Metroid Prime: Hunters for the DS, and I hadn't had a chance to play the game cube version. So we got it, I poped it in, and I got pissed at the controls in about 2 minutes of play. I continued playing for about 30 minutes before saying "screw it" and putting it on the shelf to never try it again.

Now, one thing to know about me is that I really enjoy a good/unique FPS (First person shooter), ubt I really only play them on computer. The keyboard/mouse, or in my case keyboard/trackball, really are the best controls for this type of game, at least the best controls so far. So, the chance of me liking console controls for a FPS are slim. To me, they lack fine control. Metroid 3 is no different.

So yeah, I had put it away, never wanting to see it again, but then we got this wireless sensor bar, and the Wii was being used again. I took the boox off the shelf and looked at it a little. Sighing deeply, for a love lost, I opened the box and began to hope again. I pushed in the cd and started it up. Taking the controllers in my hands I started the game. Again, the controls sucked. I found it near impossible to do the simplest of tasks. Swearing loudly, I figured, "what the hell", and I switched hands. Now my right hand had the motion stick (used for aiming), and my left had the numchuck (used for moving), and suddenly everything worked. My right wrist rested on my thigh, giving me stability, and my leg on my left leg. Everything worked perfectly. Years of training with my right hand driving the free look in FPSs just kicked in. Then, unfortunately, I looked down, and there I was, resting my wrist on my thigh holding this vibrating rod shaped controler, pointing it at a screen, and I just shoot my head. The sight was all too familure. Oh what sick people these Japanese designers be.

"Why do I have control?", I asked myself, "Why does this feel so natural?" The answer was all too clear. Years of practice... Years of practice.

On a different note:
I would like to once again remind everyone that the comic is now updated Monday and Friday, not Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I made this change so I could get some of my life back. Working long days with overtime, and trying to do 3 comics a week was failing. Hopefully this will be better. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to training (martial arts).

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