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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Friday=Saturday, thereforeThrusday=Friday
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Friday=Saturday, thereforeThrusday=Friday 
Panel 1 
Caption: Friday's comic coming soon (Saturday at midnight) 
Mrs. Smitty: Oh my! 
Mr. Smitty: I do hope it uses protection. 
Mrs. Smitty: Quite so. Quite so.

comic search terms: Friday=Saturday, thereforeThrusday=Friday
comic dialog: Panel 1
Caption: Friday's comic coming soon (Saturday at midnight)
Mrs. Smitty: Oh my!
Mr. Smitty: I do hope it uses protection.
Mrs. Smitty: Quite so. Quite so.
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Halloween winners
SLB won the writing contest with:


I'm beckoned by the glow of the harvest moon
Life flows anew in my rotting limbs
Memories of a life cut off too soon
Linger sweetly, then the sensation dims

I force my way through the worm-filled clay
Re-animation, not life, is all I feel
I walk among you for one hell-soaked day
Your immortal soul I come to steal

And Dennis won the visual contest with:

Pumpkin Head

They will each win two t-shirts of their choosing from the list I originally provided. If you're one of those two, and you're reading this and I haven't contacted you yet, please shoot me an email with which two you want, and in what size. Thanks to those who entered.

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