comic dialog: Panel 2
Jase: Hey, what's wrong?
Jacob: All of the Doctor's new companions are British.
Jase: So?
Panel 3
Jacob: I want to be his companion. To try new things with him, To share in his every waking moment. To be his damsel in distress. It would be so very dreamy. *sigh*
Panel 4
Jase: Hmmmm... Maybe you should talk to Cassandra about this.
Well you guessed it Gary
Yup. Last week Doctor Who started in England again. It'll take me a little bit to get used to the new Doctor. Tennant was such a good Doctor, but I'll definitely give it a try. It starts airing in America April 17th. I'll be watching it. Also, I've finished the last of the t-shirts for the Smokin Guns tournament. Check it out on the contest details page.
In slightly unrelated news, I'm thinking of removing the forum since it's just a spam target and it's not used much. Let me know your opinions on that.