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Wizard World 2010, day 2
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Wizard World 2010, day 2 
I keep pushing that rock up the hill, unfortunately, the publishers just keep piling more infront of it. 
Panel 1 
Gary Marks: oooOOOooo It's out! 
Panel 2 
Gary Marks: The latest Deardeveled please. 
Comic seller: That ties into the story in "Shaded Place". You want that too? 
Gary Marks: Sure. 
Panel 3 
Comic seller: "Shaded Place" has tie ins with "Prison", "Lead Hand", "Admiral Canada", "Hairy Tarantula", "Star Squire", "AC/DC Lady", "Mounted Specter", "The Thunder Claps", and "Alekter". You want those too? 
Gary Marks: uh... sure? 
Panel 4 
Gary Marks: So. Do I have the complete story now? 
Comic seller: No. They're going to tie it all up with a 36 issue mini series and two major movies in 2029.

comic search terms: Wizard World 2010, day 2
comic dialog: I keep pushing that rock up the hill, unfortunately, the publishers just keep piling more infront of it.

Panel 1
Gary Marks: oooOOOooo It's out!
Panel 2
Gary Marks: The latest Deardeveled please.
Comic seller: That ties into the story in "Shaded Place". You want that too?
Gary Marks: Sure.
Panel 3
Comic seller: "Shaded Place" has tie ins with "Prison", "Lead Hand", "Admiral Canada", "Hairy Tarantula", "Star Squire", "AC/DC Lady", "Mounted Specter", "The Thunder Claps", and "Alekter". You want those too?
Gary Marks: uh... sure?
Panel 4
Gary Marks: So. Do I have the complete story now?
Comic seller: No. They're going to tie it all up with a 36 issue mini series and two major movies in 2029.
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Day two
Ok, I know that crossovers are the fad now a days, but enough is enough. I read Daredevil. I have a subscription to it, so I read it regularly. I picked up one of the latest issues to find out that character altering stuff has happened in another comic line, for this character. It didn't happen in the main comic line, it happened in a sub comic line. This annoyed me a lot, but on day two of Comic Con Chicago, I broke down and picked up "Shadowland". It's ok, but I look in the back of the comic, and there are literally, cross overs with eight other comic book titles (counting Daredevil). So, if I wanted the complete story, I would have to pick up multiple issues of each of those comic lines. All I have to say is, "enough". I'm drawing the line in the sand. Forget the other titles, and if not knowing pisses me off enough at my current subscriptions, I'll cancel them too.

Ok. Enough complaining. On to the good stuff. Wizard World aka Comic Con Chicago is a lot of fun. Today I got autographs from Walter Koening (on a photo of Alfred Bester from Babylon 5) and James Marsters (on a photo of Captain John Hart from TorchWood). Both were quite nice. I got both autographs personalized, so maybe that made them happier because they knew it was for a fan, and not just someone trying to complete a collection, or someone just in it for the ebay. James Marsters actually shook my hand twice, thanking me (even though there was a long line), and he added "Nice!" to the autograph, because the character on Torchwood would say that whenever he saw something he wanted to have a go with, which was everything, much like Captain Jack's character. If you want to fan him on facebook, his page is here. Then early in the evening I found the freebie table and was able to put out the comics (it's near the registration lines, I'll put more out on Saturday and Sunday). Even later in the evening, I caught a screening of Van Von Hunter, a mockumentary, about the character in this web comic, that has some fun moments in it. At that screening, I met the guys behind a gaming news site, The Gamer's Throne. They like my "Left 4 Pizza" shirt.

I've added a link at the top of the site for purchasing comic swag, incase people like the shirts that have been given out in contests, or that I'm wearing at Comic Con Chicago this year.

And... here are some photos from the last two days.

Day 1

The batmobile at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago
The batmobile at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago
The Back to the Future car at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago
The Back to the Future car at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago
Harley Quinn and Green Lantern, Blue Lantern combo at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago
Moonknight at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago
A sand person at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago

Day 2

Batmanuel at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago
Ghostbusters at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago
Jack Pumpkinhead (I think) at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago
Nick from Left 4 Dead 2 at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago
Sandman at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago
Snake Eyes at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago
Stormtroopers at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago
Superman at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago
Wonderwoman at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago
X-men at Wizard World, Comic Con Chicago

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