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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Too much gaming: Let it glow by Gary Marks
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Too much gaming: Let it glow

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Run man run, like a Sonic boom
Ok, I've been a little behind on the author comments, so the last few comics probably make no sense to any one. So, I�ve updated the author comments on the following comics.

Too much gaming: The wedding
Too much gaming: Mushroom
Too much gaming: Pac-ed
Too much gaming: Russian cake

Today's comic is also about that wedding. I was obviously in a gaming mindset when I was there. At the dinner during the dancing, glow sticks were passed out.

The first thing I thought of was sonic the hedgehog, and then I saw this kid running around collecting them� IT was too much like the game for me to simply forget it.

This concludes "Too much gaming"

For now... Muhahahah!

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