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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Friday's quote
"these words mean nothing, but that's their true hidden value"
- (Unknown author), (Unknown date)

Saturday's quote
"Searching for answers is a great journey that often ends in disappointment."
- Shemp Logaliz, 1434 A.D.

Sunday's quote
"The winds of time are changing, and it's becoming quite a foul stench."
- Gerald Fenjua, 1667 A.D.

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Malwares, not my warez
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Malwares, not my warez 
Never trust anyone. Never surrender. 
Panel 1 
GEORGIE: LOL, that was awesome! 
T-mal: Yeah, some friends sent me that 
GEORGIE: Well, check this one out http://totally-safe-so-click-me.im... 
Sound effect: CLICK OF DOOM! 
Panel 2 
Panel 3 
Caption: Six hours later 
Gary: Ug. It's finally gone, and all it took was eighty-three registry changes, fourty-two killed processes and deleted files, and two dozen reboots. Wow. I hate malware. 
Panel 4 
GEORGIE: I'm totally sorry about that 
GEORGIE: I didn't know that would happen 
GEORGIE: I mean... my computer's fine 
T-mal: Blah blah blah. 
GEORGIE: Here, check this out http://laffapaluzza.ru/virus.asmx 
IM box: Cliiiiiick me. You know you want to. I might be funny. Just click, riiiight here. CLICK ME $## @#$@#$@ IT!

comic search terms: Malwares, not my warez
comic dialog: Never trust anyone. Never surrender.
Panel 1
GEORGIE: LOL, that was awesome!
T-mal: Yeah, some friends sent me that
GEORGIE: Well, check this one out http://totally-safe-so-click-me.im...
Sound effect: CLICK OF DOOM!
Panel 2
Panel 3
Caption: Six hours later
Gary: Ug. It's finally gone, and all it took was eighty-three registry changes, fourty-two killed processes and deleted files, and two dozen reboots. Wow. I hate malware.
Panel 4
GEORGIE: I'm totally sorry about that
GEORGIE: I didn't know that would happen
GEORGIE: I mean... my computer's fine
T-mal: Blah blah blah.
GEORGIE: Here, check this out http://laffapaluzza.ru/virus.asmx
IM box: Cliiiiiick me. You know you want to. I might be funny. Just click, riiiight here. CLICK ME $## @#$@#$@ IT!
     Vote for Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic) on TopWebComics!
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Age of Chivalry
Sweet! I got the Age of Chivalry server configured, I think. Check it out (Server name: "rmrcomic.com tournament server [testmode]") and let me know what you think should be changed. Once the tournament starts, I'm not going to change the servers, so now's the time for input. Below are the rules I'm knocking around. They aren't finalized yet, so feel free to give feedback on these too.

Completely un-finalized rules
These rules and prizes may change before the contest starts, so send me feedback.

First place winners will be chosen for game play between
April 1st 00:00 CST->April 13th 23:59 CST
April 14th 00:00 CST->April 20th 23:59:59 CST
April 21st 00:00 CST->April 27th 23:59:59 CST
They'll most likely win an embroidered rm -r hat and $25 visa gift card

Grand prize winners will be chosen for game play between
April 1st 00:00 CST->April 30th 23:59:59 CST
They will most likely win a foam custom coat of arms trophy, embroidered rm -r hat, and a $100 visa gift card.

The rules:
-No cheating
-I reserve the right to kick anyone from the contest for unsportsmanlike conduct. Last time I held a contest like this, I didn't have to kick anyone, lets hope that's the same this time.
-Kills that you do before registering will not count towards your score
-A player can win, at most one first place prize per game, and one grand prize total (games being World of Padman and Age of Chivalry, so if a player won first place 3 weeks in a row in both games, they would only get one Padman first prize and one Age of Chivalry first prize). If a single player ends up in the grand prize position for both games, I'll let them chose which game they want to receive the grand prize for.

The scoring:
Age of Chivalry
Gameplay type: team deathmatch
  • +1 point for every bot you kill on the enemy team (the bots aren't that smart in this game, so I'm keeping the points low for them)
  • -5 points for every bot you kill on your own team (since the bots aren't that smart and you might end up having to kill one to get past them, I'm keeping the negative here low)
  • +15 points for every human on the enemy team you kill
  • -60 points for every human you kill on your team (I'm making this really big, because there aren't many projectiles, so you really have to want to kill them to kill them)

The original title for this was going to be "The adventures of link", but then I forgot I had a title for it. Whoops. Guess that's how new titles are formed.

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