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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Friday's quote
"The instant you realize that your reality doesn't match others', that's the instant you should go talk to a therapist, or check yourself into a ward."
- Understanding Serial Killers, 1985 A.D.

Saturday's quote
"You know what could eat a shark? An even bigger shark!"
- Tommy from, The brilliance of youth, 1980 A.D.

Sunday's quote
"Why is it you never realize how tired you are, until you stop for a second?"
- Abyss U Seeba, 1991 A.D.

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Decidedly, undecided
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Decidedly, undecided 
We all make our own cages, so make sure yours is the prettiest.  
Panel 1 
Narrator: I sat there frozen and confused, as if this choice had never been presented to me before. Which game? Action or adventure? Puzzles or death? Story or community? My mouse hovered, locked in indecision, until the shaking began. 
Panel 2 
Orderly: Shhhh... There. There. It'll be ok. Just come with me. 
Panel 3 
Orderly: Have a seat. 
Sound effect: CLANK! SCREW! SCREW! SCREW! 
Panel 4 
Orderly: Now, here, take this. You know what to do.
Narrator :And suddenly, my path was clear, my choice had been made for me, and then there was calm, once again.

comic search terms: Decidedly, undecided
comic dialog: We all make our own cages, so make sure yours is the prettiest.

Panel 1
Narrator: I sat there frozen and confused, as if this choice had never been presented to me before. Which game? Action or adventure? Puzzles or death? Story or community? My mouse hovered, locked in indecision, until the shaking began.
Panel 2
Orderly: Shhhh... There. There. It'll be ok. Just come with me.
Panel 3
Orderly: Have a seat.
Panel 4
Orderly: Now, here, take this. You know what to do. Narrator :And suddenly, my path was clear, my choice had been made for me, and then there was calm, once again.
     Vote for Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic) on TopWebComics!
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GISHWHES 2012 Submissions
The Halloween comic is over. The winners of the Halloween contest will be determined next week (so vote). The trophies are already made for it, and the t-shirts are designed. GISHWHES is over. Suddenly I found myself with some free time, and no idea what to do with it. I started to go back to my gaming. I thought about buying Dishonored and losing all my free time, but then I remembered a bunch of side projects, and suddenly, I was busy again. Happily this isn't stressful busy, more of a calm busy, if that makes any sense. If I'm lucky, one of the side projects will finish this year, if it does, I'll post about it. Then there's another project (maybe a new comic) that I might start work on next year. I'm not certain. If anything comes of it, I'll post here and let everyone know. And now on to a little insanity.

GISHWHES is over. It was a lot of fun, and the team I was on created some fantastic stuff, and they agreed to let me post it here. So enjoy the awesome and remember some of the things here can't be unseen.

Direct link for this part of the comment

GISHWHES 2012 teamMishaCollins

Items posted by those in my team that wish to remain anonymous, but didn't mind having their work posted.

[IMAGE] Ever seen the movie "The Hangover"? Let's see the aftermath of the most debaucherous party ever. Photo must be taken at the home of a team member's parents

[IMAGE] A person in a business suit with a leather briefcase jumping into leaf pile

[IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Sculpt your hair with gel, wires, tape, ornaments, animals, and whatever else into what someone would undoubtedly have to classify as the Most Epic Hair Hat the World Has Ever Seen (MEHHWHES)

[IMAGE] A dog taking a human for a walk. Human must be on all fours and have a collar around their neck and the dog must have the leash in his mouth. (From Michelle Rogatski)

[VIDEO] In mime, depict one of the following phrases: a) "The pen is mightier than the sword." b) "You're the bees knees!" c) "Holkyn kolkyn!" (Inspired by Ida Tamminen)

[VIDEO] Jog in real "Pumpkin shoes" (you may substitute any squash or gourd), wearing jogging shorts and headphones down a busy sidewalk

[VIDEO] Let's see your family dress and pose and create the "Worst Family Holiday Card Ever". Note: everyone must be holding a cucumber. If you use an image already on the Internet and try to "doctor" in the cucumbers your team will be docked 60 points

[VIDEO] Play "Duck Duck Goose" with real ducks and geese

[IMAGE] You handing coats you've collected from your closet, friends and neighbors to a local shelter

[IMAGE] Let's see you make a snow angel. But instead of making it from snow, make it from Jello on your kitchen floor (Inspired by Nin Pipariperho)

[VIDEO] One of you pulling up to a fast food restaurant drive-thru to order a meal, but instead of ordering a meal, you are only allowed to make sheep noises into the intercom. Must clearly hear the person on the other end of the intercom. (From Mel Clark-Schwartz)

[IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Make a children's doll from items found in your refrigerator or pantry. Go ahead and really creep us out with this one

[IMAGE] Hurricane Item - It's Medieval Battle Time! Huzzah! You and a friend or loved one, dress up in your best battle gear/armory comprised entirely of kitchen ware. You can be wearing nothing else. Strike dueling poses

[IMAGE] Create a public chalk art piece diagramming Kant's categorical imperative

[IMAGE] Create a 2 foot-high dinosaur out of sanitary napkins

[IMAGE] Hurrican Item - If your child were a prodigy artist and had a marker and you were deep asleep and they were inspired to "beautify" your face, what would the result be?

[IMAGE] Fifteen children in Halloween costumes each holding up a sign with a different letter that, combined, say "GISHWHES or Treat"

[IMAGE] What do you look like sleeping? What does a close-up of your child smiling in your kitchen look like? What would a cake look like if your child made it with no help from you? And what would your child's face look like if he or she could eat the cake while you're still sleeping? MUST SUBMIT AS ONE PICTURE with the four images edited together in progression side-by-side

[IMAGE] Find an object that was manufactured the day and year you were born in city or town of your birth. Prove it. (Note: the "object" in question cannot be you or your twin.)

[IMAGE] Submit a "Freedom of Information Act" request for your personal files

[IMAGE] A uniformed Burger King employee enjoying a McDonald's Happy Meal

[IMAGE] We've all heard of a "flea circus". What do "flea strip clubs" look like?

[IMAGE] Build a model of the death scene of Galois in miniature out of legumes

[IMAGE] We want to see what the inside of Area 51's most secret storage room looks like

[IMAGE] Cultural exchange: Have dinner with a Sunni and a Shiite or a Hutu and a Tutsi

[IMAGE] Catch the Snipe and show us what it looks like in oil paint. (Inspired by Obadiah Kliest)

[VIDEO] A couple who has been together for over 60 years sitting on a couch sharing their secrets to a happy and lasting partnership. They must say what city and country they're living in at the beginning of the video. (Up to 60 SECONDS)

[VIDEO] A mechanical catapult that sends a pumpkin more than 100 feet across an open field. MUST be mechanical

[IMAGE] If your team could give the entire world one piece of advice, what would it be? Have one a team member hold a sign bearing the statement over their head in front of an internationally recognizable landmark

[IMAGE] A screen cap of a chat thread on Misha Collins' IMDB page. The thread must be started by a user with your team's name and must pose an unusual question about Misha's personal life, such as, "Is it true that Misha Collins eats nothing but the hearts of human babies?" Or "Why doesn't Misha have any fingers?"

Submitted by Jessica Mora
[IMAGE] 3 adults and a dog sitting on chairs around a table in a public library. The humans are reading Dr. Seuss books. The dog is wearing prescription eyeglasses and reading Kant

[IMAGE] A GISHWHES counter-rally at an Obama or Romney campaign stop. Must include at least 5 people with large picket signs


[IMAGE] Hug a uniformed Veteran

[IMAGE] Let's see your team displayed like the "Brady Bunch" opening credits except there are 3 rows of 5 pictures (versus the 3X3 we know from the "Brady Bunch" opening credits points). The submission must be 1 image with the 15 frames in it. Each of you must be wearing 70s attire and must look VERY emotionally unbalanced

[IMAGE] How long was Miss Jean Louis's "kale binge"? One might find the answer on one of our social media platforms

[VIDEO] Create a video of a mock news show (realistic set) where you are at a desk and announce that GISHWHES has taken over the world and what that means for everyone. The more realistic the set/video the more points

[VIDEO] Create a petition to declare P does NOT equal NP and get strangers on the street to sign it. Must include a convincing pitch about the dangers of P=NP

[VIDEO] A man wearing traditional mariachi attire playing "Guitar Hero"

Submitted by Abby Goodlaxson
[IMAGE] Knit a scarf that is at least 12 feet long and is being worn by 3 people at one time

[IMAGE] Draw or paint a portrait of Misha Collins and the Queen of England, both dressed in Steampunk, riding on a single stallion

[IMAGE] It's time to get organized! Create a filing system for chickens in a chicken coup

[IMAGE] Break your own world record

[VIDEO] A stop-motion film depicting the two by two loading of Noah's arc and the ensuing flood

Submitted by Ryan Cunningham
[IMAGE] Table a motion

[IMAGE] What happens when you roast Barbie and Ken (in an embrace) with an assortment of root vegetables? You will be penalized if you eat the roasted vegetables. You also will probably die as they will be toxic from the roasted plastic

[IMAGE] Sign and have notarized (or equivalent of notarized in your country) an affidavit vowing never to build raised garden boxes within the city limits of South Pasadena

[IMAGE] You holding a picture of you holding a picture of you holding a picture of you holding a picture of you holding a picture of an apple. You must have a gold frame suspended around your head. (Inspired by nakedontheimpalacoveredinbees)

[IMAGE] Create the Misha Collins fan site that Jared Padelecki would build if he only knew HTML. Submit a screenshot of the home page. The website's URL must be clearly readable from your browser's address bar.

[IMAGE] Hurricane Item - A picture of you and a loved one kissing. Here's the catch though - you must have at least 11 food items between your lips and the lips of your loved one

Submitted by me
[IMAGE] Create a portrait of Jensen Ackles entirely out of skittles doing his pouty "Blue Steel" look. Must be AT LEAST 2 feet by 2 feet

[IMAGE] Carve a Jill O'Lantern! Carve a pumpkin to look like a feminized Misha Collins. Bonus points for realism

[IMAGE] Elmo Gone Wrong. What would a Tickle-Me-Elmo look like if it had a serious crystal meth problem?

[IMAGE] Hurricane Item - A one-page GISHWHES comic strip involving a rhinoceros, a tangerine, and an appendectomy

[IMAGE] Kilt made entirely of sliced cucumbers. Must be worn by a man. (From Xiomara Dilrosun)

[VIDEO] Film a Random Act of Kindness and set it to music. (May be up to 90 seconds.) Must include voice over. Note: Your video will be automatically entered into the non-profit Random Acts' SAARA contest. If your video submission wins the contest, up to $3,000 will be donated to the charity of your choice! See this link for all details: http://www.therandomact.org/events/saara/ BE SURE TO SUBMIT THE VIDEO LINK ON THE GISHWHES WEBSITE, not the Random Acts website. We will allocate your GISHWHES points and forward your video to Random Acts. If your team wins the SAARA contest, your team will vote on which charity should receive the donation. If you can't come to a consensus on which charity to support, we'll do a blind drawing to select a winner. Good luck!

[IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Draw or paint a picture of Miss Jean Louis riding a school bus like a horse as it flies off a cliff into a volcano. There can be no passengers and she must have a dialogue bubble above her head that says something she would definitely say at this moment

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