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RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Friday's quote
"Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts on the other hand, do."
- Uther P. Smith, 1907 A.D.

Saturday's quote
"the petals of a rose rarely outlive its thorns"
- Gardner Cliff, 1897 A.D.

Sunday's quote
"when I gaze out, upon this great land, all I can think of is how much I miss my home"
- Col. S. Anders, 1944 A.D.

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What's this site you keep saying you have?
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: What's this site you keep saying you have? 
You said there'd be a joke here! Why must you lie so?! 
Panel 1 
Gary: Hi! Welcome to my site.  On the top you can see links back to here, to my zazzle store with awesome sauce shirts, a link to other comics I read, and a way to search through all the amazing content I might have. On the left, you can see a calendar, you know, the thing that displays dates, this one also links to old comics. Right below that, you'll see words of wisdom that are updated daily. If you like them, consider following me on twitter. Yeah, I'm a social whore, so follow me! I'm also on facebook. The comic is updated Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Monday and Wednesday I try to do stories with reoccurring characters. On Friday's I just complain. If you want to hear me complain more, read the comments below and make your own. Also, if you check out the mouse over on the comics, you get an extra joke.

comic search terms: What's this site you keep saying you have?
comic dialog: You said there'd be a joke here! Why must you lie so?!

Panel 1
Gary: Hi! Welcome to my site. On the top you can see links back to here, to my zazzle store with awesome sauce shirts, a link to other comics I read, and a way to search through all the amazing content I might have. On the left, you can see a calendar, you know, the thing that displays dates, this one also links to old comics. Right below that, you'll see words of wisdom that are updated daily. If you like them, consider following me on twitter. Yeah, I'm a social whore, so follow me! I'm also on facebook. The comic is updated Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Monday and Wednesday I try to do stories with reoccurring characters. On Friday's I just complain. If you want to hear me complain more, read the comments below and make your own. Also, if you check out the mouse over on the comics, you get an extra joke.
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Here's my quick explanation of the site. I hope it helps all of you just visiting here for the first time. Next week I go back to my standard Monday, Wednesday, Friday update schedule. I'll also post a comic describing each of the main characters, and I'll talk a little about Gishwhes 2013 and the Comic Con. Stay tuned.

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