comic dialog: *cough* *cough* Oh, there you are. I just needed to wait for the smoke to clear.
Panel 1
Thomas: Jacob, the client needs this rush job by EOB tomorrow.
Panel 2
Jacob: Ok, I'll just need the answers to a couple...
Sound effect: clink clink clink
Panel 3
Sound effect: POOF!
Panel 4
Jacob: ...a couple of... of.. where did you go? Hello?
Why won't you tell me? Gary
Well, in case you didn't get the idea that I sometimes have issues getting the info that I need on Monday, here's another comic about it. All too often, both at work, and in personal life things, people tell you that they need something vague, and that they need it asap, but then when you try and get some answers about specifics from them, they're nowhere to be found. Sometimes they've gone home for the day, other times they're too busy answer, and yet other times they seem to just disappear into a smoke screen right before you eyes. Oh well, such is just a part of life, well a part of living in a society with other people, and interacting with them. Good with the bad.
As I'm doing this comic on an airplane, I came up with a thought. Would any of you readers have any want for me to put up some of my comics with out word bubbles, so you could write your own, and share it? I think I could whip up some way of doing that on the web. Let me know either via email, or in the discussion below, which currently only seems to work on IE.