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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Friday's quote
"A slippery mound is something that can easily throw you off track."
- Forest Ranger Yemmins, 1979 A.D.

Saturday's quote
"Stars always light our way, just more so during the day."
- Naval Commander Mansfealtup, 1910 A.D.

Sunday's quote
"Paper isn't a blank medium. If you look real close, it has specs."
- Mr. O. B. Vious, 1805 A.D.

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Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Cha-Ching 
Roosevelt:  You know what? Let's just keep this thing rolling. 
Caption: Change, it is a come'n. 
Liberty: Oh my! Don't stop, I'm almost there! 
Washington: Fear not, fair lady, I shall not stop until liberty rains down upon all, in a glorious shower! 
Sacagawea: This is leading nowhere good. 
Lincoln: I can not tell a lie, that's quite a shocker. 
Jefferson: I do declare, that's one way to sow the seeds of liberty.

comic search terms: Cha-Ching
comic dialog: Roosevelt: You know what? Let's just keep this thing rolling.

Caption: Change, it is a come'n.
Liberty: Oh my! Don't stop, I'm almost there!
Washington: Fear not, fair lady, I shall not stop until liberty rains down upon all, in a glorious shower!
Sacagawea: This is leading nowhere good.
Lincoln: I can not tell a lie, that's quite a shocker.
Jefferson: I do declare, that's one way to sow the seeds of liberty.
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Changes ahead
Things are changing. My job will very soon become a bit crazy. Soon I'll be doing some 24/6 weeks for work, so my time will be a bit limited, but I'm going to try and keep the comic updated regularly. To do that, however, I need to build up a back log, which is something I'll be doing over the holiday, and I'll have to change the comic back to twice a week. Starting December 30th, I'll only be doing updates on Monday and Friday. Another change will be a site redesign. I'm shooting for that in February.

Hopefully the fewer updates will mean that I can spend more time on each comic and give you guys a better quality comic. I'm also hoping that the redesign will make the site look more professional. I'll provide more information about that when it's closer to done.

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