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Labor-less day
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Labor-less day 
Oh yeah, and there was the 48 hours of work I put in over the weekend, I guess that might have cause some of the exhaustedness. 
Panel 1 
Phil: Jacob, wake up! Why are you so exhausted? 
Panel 3 
Sound effect: Chop Chop Chop 
Panel 4 
Sound effect: BOIL BOIL 
Panel 5 
Sound effect: HA HA HA 
Panel 6 
Sound effect: Sweep Sweep 
Panel 7 
Clock: 3:01AM 
Panel 8 
Jacob: It was a relaxing holiday.

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Comic dialog
Oh yeah, and there was the 48 hours of work I put in over the weekend, I guess that might have cause some of the exhaustedness.

Panel 1
Phil: Jacob, wake up! Why are you so exhausted?
Panel 3
Sound effect: Chop Chop Chop
Panel 4
Sound effect: BOIL BOIL
Panel 5
Sound effect: HA HA HA
Panel 6
Sound effect: Sweep Sweep
Panel 7
Clock: 3:01AM
Panel 8
Jacob: It was a relaxing holiday.

Author Comments aka Comic News

Always enjoy calm holidays
Sorry this is posted on Tuesday, not Monday, but in my defense, it does make more sense to read it today, than it does to read it during the holiday.

An alternate title to this comic was, "A labor of love."

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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