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Well worded
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Well worded 
So much wood, and so few holes, just like a golf coarse. 
Panel 1 
Cabin boy: AHHHHH! A hole! 
Panel 2 
Cabin boy: Captain! Captain! We're losing buoyancy! Fixt it! Fix it! 
Panel 3 
Sound effect: *GLUB* *GLUB* *GLUB* 
Panel 4 
Captain Obvious: Oh. I think I've found the leak!

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Comic dialog
So much wood, and so few holes, just like a golf coarse.

Panel 1
Cabin boy: AHHHHH! A hole!
Panel 2
Cabin boy: Captain! Captain! We're losing buoyancy! Fixt it! Fix it!
Panel 3
Sound effect: *GLUB* *GLUB* *GLUB*
Panel 4
Captain Obvious: Oh. I think I've found the leak!

Author Comments aka Comic News

If I had more time, I would've colored this. Not just because I try to color all the comics, but also because I think it would be fun to work with coloring some water. Other than that, all I can say is, sometimes the amount of information you give, when reporting a problem, directly impacts the outcome. Aka, sometimes how you word the problem is just as important as noticing the problem.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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