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Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Lagless 
Panel 1 
Caption: As the day goes on, more and more people open their email and visit the site. 
Caption: Slowly, the effect of everyone falling into a trance is felt, everywhere. 
Panel 2 
Jase: Wow. This server sure is empty. I wonder where everyone went? Oh well, guess it means no lag for me today.

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Comic dialog
Panel 1
Caption: As the day goes on, more and more people open their email and visit the site.
Caption: Slowly, the effect of everyone falling into a trance is felt, everywhere.
Panel 2
Jase: Wow. This server sure is empty. I wonder where everyone went? Oh well, guess it means no lag for me today.

Author Comments aka Comic News

oooOOOooo a contest
Well, there's an announcement on the site that contains all the contest information. Also, if you missed my late Friday comment, there's a site I ran across recently called Decoder Ring Theatre, that I've added to my list of links. It's a pretty cool site where people are making new radio stories that you can listen to. I recommend checking it out. OK, I guess that's about it for now. I've spent the whole weekend working on the tshirts for the contest, I think they're coming out rather nice. You can see the first two that I finished on the contest details page. The other three are mostly done, but I have to finish up the weapons and/or hands on them. I'll post the pics, when they're done.

If you connect to the tournament server to get some practice in before the contest starts, send me some feedback, so I know how to tweak the server.

OK, now that all.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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