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Complete system synergy
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Complete system synergy 
Panel 1 
Caption: At hour one hundred, Jane's quest for the perfect CSS comes to an end. 
Jane: Yeah, I think you guys will love it. Check it out on our development server and let me know if there are any changes you want me to do. If I don't hear back from you you guys by Monday, I just push it live. 
Panel 2 
Client A: OOOooooOOOoo 
Client B: AhhhhHHhhh 
Client C: It's so beautiful... can't... look... away.. 
Caption: And somewhere far below, the devil laughs for it knows that this moment marks the end of humanity's free will.

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Comic dialog

Panel 1
Caption: At hour one hundred, Jane's quest for the perfect CSS comes to an end.
Jane: Yeah, I think you guys will love it. Check it out on our development server and let me know if there are any changes you want me to do. If I don't hear back from you you guys by Monday, I just push it live.
Panel 2
Client A: OOOooooOOOoo
Client B: AhhhhHHhhh
Client C: It's so beautiful... can't... look... away..
Caption: And somewhere far below, the devil laughs for it knows that this moment marks the end of humanity's free will.

Author Comments aka Comic News

More to come
I'll post "sketch blog" entries until I run out, so expect a bunch of comics to be posted on days I don't normally have comics. Also, the comic's anniverary is coming u, and I plan to hold a gaming contest for some rm -r comic swag. I'll post more as I know more. I'll also post about my adventure to digital overload when I upload the "sketch blog"s. *sigh* A blog... what have I become?

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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