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Give me pasta, or give me death!
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Give me pasta, or give me death! 
Sir! Stop eating! This plane can only carry so much weight! 
Panel 1 
Caption: Time for me to board a flight and leave Italy. 
Stewardess: Sir! I need you to take your seat! 
Caption: But first, a snack.

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Comic dialog
Sir! Stop eating! This plane can only carry so much weight!

Panel 1
Caption: Time for me to board a flight and leave Italy.
Stewardess: Sir! I need you to take your seat!
Caption: But first, a snack.

Author Comments aka Comic News

Almost home (that's what she said)
This is what I expect will be happening as you're reading this comic. I'm still having some technical difficulties, that's why there's another placeholder comic today. I plan to get it all straightened out when I get home, so next week, instead of starting the Halloween run on time, I'll do a week of the guest comic I had planned. He has a short story arc that you saw the first part of earlier this week. Then next week, the Halloween comic will start in all it's glory, and it will run until a week after October. I'll also try to get the Halloween contest site up this weekend, so it's live on the first. I hope those of you who follow me on Facebook and Twitter have been enjoying the trip to Ireland and Italy, I know I've been enjoying it.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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