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Hot skies and cold nights, Part 20 of 31
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Hot skies and cold nights, Part 20 of 31 
The bromance lives! 
Panel 1 
Jase: Hey, do any of you know how we get back to camp? 
Jacob: Hehehe! It's so cute! 
Panel 2 
Mandy: Nope. 
Cassandra: Not me. 
Jase: Aww hell. 
Jacob: Hehehe! He's giving me kisses! 
Panel 3 
Hope: JASE! 
Jane: JACOB! 
Samantha: MANDY! 
Cassandra: JANE! 
Jase: HOPE! 
Jacob: SAM! 
Mandy: SAM! 
Panel 7 
Jacob: Sup. 
Samuel: Sup.

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Comic dialog
The bromance lives!

Panel 1
Jase: Hey, do any of you know how we get back to camp?
Jacob: Hehehe! It's so cute!
Panel 2
Mandy: Nope.
Cassandra: Not me.
Jase: Aww hell.
Jacob: Hehehe! He's giving me kisses!
Panel 3
Hope: JASE!
Jane: JACOB!
Samantha: MANDY!
Cassandra: JANE!
Jase: HOPE!
Jacob: SAM!
Mandy: SAM!
Panel 7
Jacob: Sup.
Samuel: Sup.

Author Comments aka Comic News

Get that creepy doll.
Yeah. I could see my friends and I doing this, just because it's funny.

Keeping in mind that I don't have any of the remaining Halloween comics sketched out, and that I tend to run myself ragged on a normal week with work, training, and comics three times a week, please expect a somewhat erratic update schedule on these comics, until I make it to the weekend. I should be able to get back on track this weekend, since I don't have any martial arts thing planned for it. Thanks for bearing with me.

(amusingly, as I did this comic, I was watching season two episode three of arrow, with the doll villain, and these songs were just the next in line)
Jonathan Coulton - Creepy Doll [Doctor Who - Night Terrors]

Creepy Doll - Alex Krull

Creepy Doll - Jonathan Coulton

Creepy Doll (Ghost in the Doll)

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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