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The power of a word
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:The power of a word 
Oh, and can we have a small electric oven installed in it too? 
Panel 1 
Brent: That's exactly what I want... except.. 
Panel 2 
Brent: There we go! Perfect!

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Comic dialog
Oh, and can we have a small electric oven installed in it too?

Panel 1
Brent: That's exactly what I want... except..
Panel 2
Brent: There we go! Perfect!

Author Comments aka Comic News

Late again.
Sorry this is so late. I'm not sure why I'm failing to make the scheduled deadlines lately, other than, I've been busy with work and side stuff. This comic was inspired by some cabinets my wife and I bought to put our gaming computers in, so the wouldn't look tacky when people saw them. Well, it turned out that the specs for the cabinets weren't accurate. they said the inside space was larger, then didn't mentioned a nailed and glued in shelf, etc, etc. Needless to say, there was much modifying of these last night, so that the computer could still fit. Holes were drilled for cables, shelves were pried out, and so on. On the bright side, you wouldn't think there was a computer in it, so that's cool. Today I get to build shelves, hopefully write one hundred quotes, and build a simple iOS/android game. Remember, always aim high with your goals.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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