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Fly me to the moon
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Fly me to the moon 
So very shocking. 
Panel 1 
Jase: This flying power is great, I'm glad I finally got it! And this lack of lag is amazing! 
Panel 2 
Caption: Server message: Due to the lack of players, the game is shutting down. 
Jase: Wait. What's this? 
Panel 3 
Jase: Nnnnnnnoooooooooooooooo!!!

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Comic dialog
So very shocking.
Panel 1
Jase: This flying power is great, I'm glad I finally got it! And this lack of lag is amazing!
Panel 2
Caption: Server message: Due to the lack of players, the game is shutting down.
Jase: Wait. What's this?
Panel 3
Jase: Nnnnnnnoooooooooooooooo!!!

Author Comments aka Comic News

The power of Flight
*Sigh*, I remember the first time I got a travel power in ?City of Villians. It was a glorious moment, a moment of pure joy. One has to charish such moments.

Sorry the comic is in B&W, I flew back to Denver yesterday and got it sort of late to start the comic, and only one day off this weekend. When it comes down to it, the excuses mean nothing, it simple isn't in color today, so on to something else.

Wizard World, I'm going to be there, it's August 19->22nd in Chicagoland (Rosemont Convention Center, near the Rosemont stop on the blue line). I'll be wearing one of four unique shirts so I can be identified. I'll also be giving out a Wizard World only comic, and maybe some bags (still debating this). If you see me, feel free to say hi, or ask a question, or ask for something signed, or whatever. When the shirts come in, I'll post some pictures so I can be identified. Hope to see some of you there.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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