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House on Halloween Hill Part 12 of 23
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:House on Halloween Hill Part 12 of 23 
Let's not cross this bridge until later. 
Panel 2 
Sound effect: Skreech! 
Panel 3 
Jase: Why are you stopping? 
Hope: Wait here a minute. 
Panel 4 
Jase: You see something? Where are you going?! 
Panel 5 
Jase: Hope? HOPE! 
Sound effect: Crack! 
Panel 6 
Jase: Why do I always get wood at the most inopportune times? 
Sound effect: THUD! 
Panel 7 
Jase: Awww HELL NO! 
Jacob: See? I told you my pogo stick van invention would’ve come in handy. But nooo, someone wouldn't let me install my "boing stick".

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Comic dialog
Let's not cross this bridge until later.

Panel 2
Sound effect: Skreech!
Panel 3
Jase: Why are you stopping?
Hope: Wait here a minute.
Panel 4
Jase: You see something? Where are you going?!
Panel 5
Jase: Hope? HOPE!
Sound effect: Crack!
Panel 6
Jase: Why do I always get wood at the most inopportune times?
Sound effect: THUD!
Panel 7
Jase: Awww HELL NO!
Jacob: See? I told you my pogo stick van invention would’ve come in handy. But nooo, someone wouldn't let me install my "boing stick".

Author Comments aka Comic News

Soooo late. Sorry about that. I did want to get it posted before the comic for Friday, though that comic isn't done yet either. With a little luck, I'll come up with an idea for it tonight or tomorrow.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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