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House on Halloween Hill Part 3 of 23
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:House on Halloween Hill Part 3 of 23 
How does the second verse go? 
Panel 4 
Sam: Hey there. How's it going?  
Old man: Eh, been better, but you're all doomed...  
Panel 5 
Panel 6 
Old man: So doomed, that I'm gonna sing ya the doom song. 
Panel 7 
Old man: DOOM DOOM DO DO doom doom do DOOM 
Panel 8 
Passer by: Oh don't mind 'ol Ralf, bless is heart, he's a little broken in the head, but he's one fiiine banjo player. 
Panel 10 
Jacob: DOOM DOOM DO DO doom doom do DOOM 
Panel 12 
Jacob: What? It's a catchy song.

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Comic dialog
How does the second verse go?

Panel 4
Sam: Hey there. How's it going?
Old man: Eh, been better, but you're all doomed...
Panel 5
Panel 6
Old man: So doomed, that I'm gonna sing ya the doom song.
Panel 7
Old man: DOOM DOOM DO DO doom doom do DOOM
Panel 8
Passer by: Oh don't mind 'ol Ralf, bless is heart, he's a little broken in the head, but he's one fiiine banjo player.
Panel 10
Jacob: DOOM DOOM DO DO doom doom do DOOM
Panel 12
Jacob: What? It's a catchy song.

Author Comments aka Comic News

Wow.. only three in, and already the comic has beaten me. This is a sad day, but as they say, the story must go on. I would say that I'll try to finish it, but as my loyal readers know, me saying that is the kiss of death to it, so we'll see, it's unlikely I'll finish it, but you never know.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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