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Sleepless flights
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Sleepless flights

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Nothing quite like getting home at 1am to check you flight information to find out that you're flight the next day is at 8:47am, an it's an hour plus commute time to get there. I was able to get like two or three hours of sleep. I then woke up feeling like death warmed over, and I called the air carrier to see if I could get on a later flight (since it was 5am). They said it would cost $300 for a later flight (the round trip tickets I was flying on only cost $150 to start), which wound up not seating all of their standby people, which annoyed me a little. But, I stumbled out of bed, and made it to my gate with about 15min to kill before boarding began, so, not too bad, and the dojo party I was at until 1am was worth it.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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