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Qualify thyself
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Qualify thyself 
Let's look when the looking is good. 
Panel 1 
Jane: When should we start looking for a place? 
Panel 2 
Jase: Since we only have until the end of our lease, I'm guessing as soon as we find a listing. 
Panel 3 
Jacob: Well, I have an ad, let's ride! 
Panel 4 
Jase: You know, I want to rethink my answer.

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Comic dialog
Let's look when the looking is good.

Panel 1
Jane: When should we start looking for a place?
Panel 2
Jase: Since we only have until the end of our lease, I'm guessing as soon as we find a listing.
Panel 3
Jacob: Well, I have an ad, let's ride!
Panel 4
Jase: You know, I want to rethink my answer.

Author Comments aka Comic News

Game night!
Looking for a place to live is definitely a chore, but if you know you're going to have to move, it's better that you start looking really early on. That said, you don't have to look at every apartment you see for rent. Sometimes you know that they're not going to be what you want.

Sunday night, I played Small world, for the first time with a group of friends. My wife and I had played it Friday night, just to get a little accustomed to the rules. It was a really fun day/night. The game looks a little intimidating when it's set up and you sit down in front of it. I started by explaining some of the rules, but that just made things more confusing, so we just started the match, and everyone picked up on it real fast. Sadly, I won neither of the two games, but I did, oddly, get the exact same score each time, and for a short time, I had two races in decline, one of which was ghouls, so I got to play them like an active race, but I still lost. We played from like four to seven and we got in two games. There were four of us and we played each side of the 4 to 5 player board. I recommend this game for people new to table top games, and playing a game or two solo on the steam version of the game first to get used to how the game plays is a good idea.

In the comments, does anyone have any cool table top stories, or recommendations of games for newbie table top gamers?

Also, as a "so you know" kind of thing, There might not be a big Halloween comic this year, like I normally do. I say this, because it's already September, and I don't even have a first draft written. Normally, I use September to draw them, since they tend to be a large chunk of additional work. If I come up with a draft that I can pull off, then I'll do it, but right now, it's not looking likely.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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