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Wax on, pun off, 4 of 23
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Wax on, pun off, 4 of 23 
So, ya wanna kill all humans? 
Do I at least get dinner first? 
Panel 1 
Jane: Everybody find something? 
Panel 2 
Jase, Hope, Cassandra: YEAH! 
Jacob: I guess. 
Jane: Excellent! This Halloween party's going to be great. 
Panel 3 
Jane: Now we just have to go home, decorate, buy snacks, and... 
Panel 4 
Jane: Wait a second. Sam, are you wearing your costume home? 
Panel 5 
Jane: Sam? SAM?! 
Panel 6 
Samuel: Does not compute. No Sam here.  Just the Sam-u-lator 5000, here to destroy all humans! 
Panel 7 
Jane: *sigh* Guess that's a yes then.

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Comic dialog
So, ya wanna kill all humans?
Do I at least get dinner first?

Panel 1
Jane: Everybody find something?
Panel 2
Jase, Hope, Cassandra: YEAH!
Jacob: I guess.
Jane: Excellent! This Halloween party's going to be great.
Panel 3
Jane: Now we just have to go home, decorate, buy snacks, and...
Panel 4
Jane: Wait a second. Sam, are you wearing your costume home?
Panel 5
Jane: Sam? SAM?!
Panel 6
Samuel: Does not compute. No Sam here. Just the Sam-u-lator 5000, here to destroy all humans!
Panel 7
Jane: *sigh* Guess that's a yes then.

Author Comments aka Comic News

Sleepy MacGee
Not much to say today. I'm very tired. Remember to enter the Halloween contest. Oh, I did watch the presidential debate today. Sadly, both were rather rude to the moderator (running over their time limits, trying to get in the last word, etc), and, most of the time, there wasn't a direct answer given to the question asked. That's all I've got. I'm pretty certain I know who I'm voting for, but that's a decision everyone has to make for themselves, so no ranting here.

Also, if you know a school or coffee shop to put up a poster for a contest at, and you don't mind, please do, the contest poster is here.

Halloween Link

Nox Arcana - Night of the Wolf

Horror movie

The Mansion of Madness (1973)

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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