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Halloween 2011, 3 of 32
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Halloween 2011, 3 of 32 
It's not nice to remind me, er I mean, others, of their short comings! 
Panel 1 
Jacob: Hey, you think this one will be big enough? 
Panel 2 
Jase: Normally I'd say, "whatever you've got isn't big enough when I'm around", but this time, I actually feel inadequate. 
Panel 3 
Jase: Is this how you normally feel? 
Panel 4 
Jacob: Yeah. Thanks for reminding me. 
Panel 5 
Monster: I feel myself getting bigger! Growing stronger! Soon I'll burst forth, come together, and terrorize them all into remembering!

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Comic dialog
It's not nice to remind me, er I mean, others, of their short comings!

Panel 1
Jacob: Hey, you think this one will be big enough?
Panel 2
Jase: Normally I'd say, "whatever you've got isn't big enough when I'm around", but this time, I actually feel inadequate.
Panel 3
Jase: Is this how you normally feel?
Panel 4
Jacob: Yeah. Thanks for reminding me.
Panel 5
Monster: I feel myself getting bigger! Growing stronger! Soon I'll burst forth, come together, and terrorize them all into remembering!

Author Comments aka Comic News

Wow, ok, it was a busy comic weekend. Sunday, I inked four more comics and colored six of the eight I had inked, so that makes fourteen finished Halloween comics. All in all, not bad. (patting myself on the back, someone has to do it) I am kind of bummed I missed the 24 hour comic day. It looks like it was a lot of fun. If you want to see some of the fun I missed, check out the Colorado Alliance of Illustrators, they put up a bunch of pics from the day.

And now, enjoy "Three's Horrible"

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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