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Bar fly
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Bar fly 
I just got the Belgian flight, and I can't wait to seem Belgium. 
Panel 1 
Swift McGee: I jus... I jus do'n get it.. I keep get'n flights, bah I never seem 'ta get annywhere

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Comic dialog
I just got the Belgian flight, and I can't wait to seem Belgium.

Panel 1
Swift McGee: I jus... I jus do'n get it.. I keep get'n flights, bah I never seem 'ta get annywhere

Author Comments aka Comic News

Well, at least this way, you never miss your flight, that is, unless you're too drunk to reach it. And, of course, there are no layovers, unless someone takes advantage of you while you're passed out. But, at least, you don't have to worry about baggage, except the baggage you take with you, and the baggage you pick up from any one taking flights with you. However, you definitely don't have to deal with security, unless you count the security in the bar that drags you out back to sleep it off behind a dumpster, where a hobo finds you and makes sure you have your layover.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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