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This is also pretty hilarious if described using cartoony ducks. The last one looks like a vulture with Groucho glasses. Oh, I found two very cool, though not new, game mods.
This is a quake mod, that takes the quake world and makes it pretty and cartoony. It's actually a lot of fun, and you use weapons like water balloons and paintball guns. You can also get killer toy ducks to sick on other players. There's even a hidden room based off of DOOM. I might use this game for a tournament.
Is the second game I found. It's a free mod for the Source engine. You can download it on steam. This one is a game of slow firing weapons and melee/sword attacks. In it you can block, various blocks, swing a sword in various manners, launch a parrot at your enemies, and once and for all determine who would win in a fight, a pirate, a viking, or a knight. I was also thinking of making this a tournament game, but I'd have to do some research to figure out how to setup a server as team deathmatch and enable bots somehow, if possible. This one I might not use for a tournament though, since you need to pay for a source engine game, like Half Life 2. So far, this game has been a lot of fun though.
So yeah, I might setup a game tournament for the comic's five year anniversary in April. I'm not sure yet, I have a lot of side projects that are falling behind, so we'll see. I do want to celebrate the anniversary, so if anyone has any ideas, let me know.