Comic dialog Well fine then. I'm going to find El Dorado and build a craft that lets me travel faster than light without running into time separation. Try and one up ME, will ya? Panel 1 Jase: What's everyone's New Year's resolution? Me, I'm going to start winning my video games before I start new ones. Panel 2 Jane: Oooo that's a good one. I'm going to start a hotel staffed entirely by trained monkeys. Oook! Oook! I go bananas for tips. Panel 3 Jacob: Nice! I'm going to win the lotto, and then rule the world. MuaHaHaHaHAHA! Panel 4 Jase: That's the last time I ask you two a question. |
Gary Author Comments aka Comic News Shoot, perhaps, too late. |
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015