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Worming my way home
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Worming my way home 
Just remember, a worm in the hand is worth less than two in the bush, just ask a movie producer.

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Comic dialog
Just remember, a worm in the hand is worth less than two in the bush, just ask a movie producer.

Author Comments aka Comic News

I don't know why, but for some reason, this is how I'd imagine Jacob making his way to the wild wild west of Denver, a top a wild wild computer worm. Since Denver is in a desert, riding a worm is very Dune like. That's really all the explanation I have about this comic. Let its strangeness propagate across the internet, like the computer worms it's based off of.

In other news, I'm now back in Denver, and I won't make it back to Chicago until August. Hello dry air. Hello sunshine. It's a good thing I'm not a vampire. Also, I'm still liking this style, so I'm going to try and keep it up (heh, difficult to ignore the high school jokes that just poped into my head about "keeping it up"). I might also try to add shading and maybe color soon. We'll see. This style still takes longer. It doesn't seem like it would. It seems like one would just choose multiple brushes, which I do, but I also do multiple passes over a line now, so I can control how it transitions into different thicknesses (heh, insert, heh, high school joke here). Basically, this means I'm drawing most lines multiple times and filling in the in between space. It's interesting, but I haven't found a time efficient way of doing this yet. Hopefully someday I will.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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