Gary Author Comments aka Comic News
wheee It's comics like today that really revitalize me and make me want to do more. It was a difficult comic, but I got to play with things I don't get to do very often, like action shots and lightning. I really like how the lightning bolts came out, and that's something I've had issues with in the past. Sorry it's not complete. It's 1am as I'm writing this, and I have both work, and a dentist appointment tomorrow or today, I guess. This is way better than I was doing with the Halloween comic though. Oh, remember, voting is still going on with the contest.
Just so everyone understands what I'm doing with the Halloween comic, I'm finishing it off as the 3 Js comics, so every Monday until it's done.
Also, that first panel is the group opening up the door to leave. Sorry, that's how I storyboard, just enough for me to know what's happening.
A pack Also, my wife made me a backpack! How cool is that?