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Knight and day
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Knight and day 
At least it's more relaxing than a knightly report. 
Panel 1 
Caption: KNIGHT & DAY

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Comic dialog
At least it's more relaxing than a knightly report.

Panel 1
Caption: KNIGHT & DAY

Author Comments aka Comic News

Wizard World Chicago 2015, Day 1, Thursday
Day one went smooth. The comic today is the sketch I worked on in my booth during the day. I think it came out alright. The original sketch for it occurred on my flight to Chicago. All of you should come, stop by my booth (G34), and say hi.

Bruce Campbell made an anouncement at Wizard World today, her anounced his new kickstarter show. It sounds funny. I guess you can see season one on ConTV. Go, check it out.

Also, here are some photos from day one.

Hope to see you all at the show this weekend.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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