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Aren't you glad they made Sharknado part 4 of 5
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Aren't you glad they made Sharknado part 4 of 5 
Sadly, muscles don't stop sand, if the sand has enough velocity. 
Caption: Just when you thought your day that the beach couldn't get any worse, it does. A massive underground earthquake starts a devastating wave that runs through the worlds largest school of sharks. You start to run, but there's nowhere to go. There's no escaping... 
Scrawny kid: If I had muscles, he wouldn't kick sand in my eyes. 
Subtitle: Biting its way through a TV set near you.

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Comic dialog
Sadly, muscles don't stop sand, if the sand has enough velocity.
Caption: Just when you thought your day that the beach couldn't get any worse, it does. A massive underground earthquake starts a devastating wave that runs through the worlds largest school of sharks. You start to run, but there's nowhere to go. There's no escaping...
Scrawny kid: If I had muscles, he wouldn't kick sand in my eyes.
Subtitle: Biting its way through a TV set near you.

Author Comments aka Comic News

Don't worry, there's only one more of these, then the shark week will be over. Thanks for putting up with the insanity. I had really thought I missed my chance to do these.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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