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Opening the box
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Opening the box 
I don't know why the gods complained, doesn't everyone like to be chained up every so often? 
Panel 1 
Jane: It's nice having you around now. How's the unpacking going? 
Hope: Ug. It's horrible. There's just so much stuff, it's daunting. 
Panel 2 
Jane: Yeah, you just have to start with one box, and slowly unpack it, until it's finished. 
Panel 3 
Jacob: If you know what she means! BOOYAH! 
Hope: I don't know. Even that isn't so easy. 
Panel 4 
Hope: WHO THE @#$@#@ SEALED THIS BOX?! This isn't tape, it's the bloody chains of Hreidmarr!

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Comic dialog
I don't know why the gods complained, doesn't everyone like to be chained up every so often?

Panel 1
Jane: It's nice having you around now. How's the unpacking going?
Hope: Ug. It's horrible. There's just so much stuff, it's daunting.
Panel 2
Jane: Yeah, you just have to start with one box, and slowly unpack it, until it's finished.
Panel 3
Jacob: If you know what she means! BOOYAH!
Hope: I don't know. Even that isn't so easy.
Panel 4
Hope: WHO THE @#$@#@ SEALED THIS BOX?! This isn't tape, it's the bloody chains of Hreidmarr!

Author Comments aka Comic News

I might be starting a small arc/unpacking themed story. Hope you enjoy it. Also, if there's anything you want to see me bring to a comic book convention, now's the time. So far, capes, and little stuffed Jacobs have been suggested. I'm not sure if I can pull either of those off, but I will consider the suggestions sent to me, so let me know what you'd find cool to see at a booth, if I get one. Email or the comments below work.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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