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Eating out
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Eating out 
Yes, the curtains do match the rug. 
Panel 1 
Samuel: I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it to your party. 
Panel 2 
Jane: That's ok, you made it to dinner tonight, and the party was... a bit of a drag 
Panel 3 
Jane: In fact, if I didn't get tied up there, I would've been out trick or treating. 
Panel 4 
Samuel: Oh come on. I'm sure it was a real scream.

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Comic dialog
Yes, the curtains do match the rug.

Panel 1
Samuel: I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it to your party.
Panel 2
Jane: That's ok, you made it to dinner tonight, and the party was... a bit of a drag
Panel 3
Jane: In fact, if I didn't get tied up there, I would've been out trick or treating.
Panel 4
Samuel: Oh come on. I'm sure it was a real scream.

Author Comments aka Comic News

Little to report
Not a lot to report today. I got to watch "Galaxy Quest" and "Big Trouble In Little China" while working on another of the t-shirt prizes for the Halloween contest. Both of those are great and funny movies. I also have most of November written, and an idea of what I'm going to do to raise money for Child's play this year. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it and enjoy the charity.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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