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Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Priorities 
Oh... wait... I just hadn't pulled the string. It's all better now.  Nothing to worry about, carry on everyone. 
Panel 1 
Tom: Light bulb's out. 
Nick: So it is. So it is.

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Comic dialog
Oh... wait... I just hadn't pulled the string. It's all better now. Nothing to worry about, carry on everyone.

Panel 1
Tom: Light bulb's out.
Nick: So it is. So it is.

Author Comments aka Comic News

The small stuff
All too often we tend to overlook the things that matter and focus on the small and insignificant. It's part of being human, so we should all stop it. After all, don't we all just want to be automatons working for the greater good? THE GREATER GOOD. There, I've done my part, I've spread the word. Until next week... THE GREATER GOOD!

Also, have you ever experienced something like above, something where you've said to yourself, "Really?! But what about..."? If so, tell me about it in the comments below, I'd love to hear your stories.

Guest comics

Calling all artists or want to be artists, if you're willing to do a guest comic for September, shoot me an email.
  • I'd need the comic by September 9th, Monday (sorry, typo-ed this earlier as the 8th)
  • Nothing x-rated
  • Title of the comic, if you want a non generic title
  • Who should I give credit to?
  • Would you like me to link to a site? If so, which one?
  • If you want to use my characters in your guest comic, you can, but it's not required.
  • Ideally, the comic should be no more than 600px wide

Also, people should check out this kickstarter, it's to save a good webcomic.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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