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Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Firestorm 
It was this, or go outside and hang with Frosty. 
Caption: Who ya gonna call? What? Don't look at me like that. Screw ghosts, it's cold outside.

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Comic dialog
It was this, or go outside and hang with Frosty.

Caption: Who ya gonna call? What? Don't look at me like that. Screw ghosts, it's cold outside.

Author Comments aka Comic News

Almost kinda back
Hi everyone. I'm kind of back for a little bit. I've been traveling a lot lately, and not working on the comic, but I have been doing a bunch of quick sketches in airports and hotels, so I'm going to start posting those, until I get a chance to continue the rmr story arc. These were all done by hand. I might fix some of the proportions before posting some of them, but then again, I might not. Only time will tell. This first one goes out to all my friends in Chicago. Enjoy the snow.

In the comments, let me know what the rest of you have been up to lately.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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