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I know what you're thinking
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:I know what you're thinking 
They're also much skeevier, wait... no... don't look at the output of what I'm thinking!  Everyone wonders about Crisco, six bars of butter, and midgets. 
Panel 1 
Jacob: Muhahahaha! Excellent! 
Panel 2 
Jane: Uh oh. What are you working on, now? 
Jacob: Hmmm? Oh? What? Right. I'm... ah... just working on a device that captures what people think instead of what they say. 
Panel 3 
Jane: Made any progress? 
Jacob: Yes. I've been using it successfully on people for two weeks now. 
Jane: Find out anything interesting or important? 
Jacob: Not really.  It seems people are just ruder and cheekier in their head. 
Panel 4 
Jane: Well that's five million in R&D funding well spent.

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Comic dialog
They're also much skeevier, wait... no... don't look at the output of what I'm thinking! Everyone wonders about Crisco, six bars of butter, and midgets.

Panel 1
Jacob: Muhahahaha! Excellent!
Panel 2
Jane: Uh oh. What are you working on, now?
Jacob: Hmmm? Oh? What? Right. I'm... ah... just working on a device that captures what people think instead of what they say.
Panel 3
Jane: Made any progress?
Jacob: Yes. I've been using it successfully on people for two weeks now.
Jane: Find out anything interesting or important?
Jacob: Not really. It seems people are just ruder and cheekier in their head.
Panel 4
Jane: Well that's five million in R&D funding well spent.

Author Comments aka Comic News

Skin wrapper
Today's comic was brought to you by the skeevy people over at Facebook, as seen here.

Ok, I liked the skin wrapper idea so much, I've made it purchasable here.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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