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RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Wednesday's quote
"You don't build a city over a swamp. Remember that when designing your data center."
- Architect Danniel DuVaul, 2010 A.D.

Thursday's quote
"You'd need the power of a star to keep the world at bay."
- Talent scout Henry McGuroodder, 1939 A.D.

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A horde of bugs
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: A horde of bugs 
Oh wait, no. There are more bugs in that code than in that swarm. 
Panel 1 
Jane: AHHHHHHH! How can there be so many bugs?! 
Panel 2 
Jacob: Look, the product was rushed out, it was bound to... 
Panel 3 
Jane: No! BUGS! 
Panel 4 

comic search terms: A horde of bugs
comic dialog: Oh wait, no. There are more bugs in that code than in that swarm.

Panel 1
Jane: AHHHHHHH! How can there be so many bugs?!
Panel 2
Jacob: Look, the product was rushed out, it was bound to...
Panel 3
Jane: No! BUGS!
Panel 4
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bzzz alarming
Well, summer is here, and my basement has some bugs in it, thus the inspiration for this comic. My pond also has dragonflies living in it, so that's cool. Their larvae are actually really cool. They project water out their ass to push them forward at super speeds, and they do the similar with their jaws to catch prey. With their jaws, they don't project the water, instead they build up the water pressure in their jaw and when it hits the max, it releases it's hold on it's jaw, causing it to jut forward really fast and catch it's prey. They really are kind of bad ass killers. I recommend youtubing them. Ok, it's almost 2am, and I need to get some sleep before work, so I'm off to sleep.

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